
James Boylan

James Boylan - Into the White (224kbps - 95:37)

Alien mood music and esoteric house; with tracks from Mika Vainio, Arpanet, Hieroglyphic Being and 7th Plain
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James Boylan - Odd1 (128 kbps - 111:11)

Forward-looking house and techno mix, inc. music from Mood II Swing, Marcel Dettmann, Drexciya, Cassy, Pacou and Shed
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James Boylan - Metalgroove (128 kbps - 107:13)

Excursion through the electronic music spectrum, from ambient to techno; feat. Arpanet, Isolee, Marcel Dettmann, Surgeon and Pacou
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James Boylan - Dec 06 Mix (160 kbps - 77:25)

Smooth grooves all the way, with tracks from Sten, Rick Wade, Hieroglyphic Being and more

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James Boylan - Jan 05 Mix (128kbps - 77:47)

Sublime mix of house, electro and techno

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